For this occasion, we invite scholars working in the interdisciplinary field of American Studies to submit proposals for presentations on teaching American studies, presentations of ongoing or planned research projects, including PhD projects, and/or topics for roundtable discussions. See details below. We welcome submissions from junior and senior scholars on any topic related to the study and teaching of the United States and North America from both a historical and contemporary perspective. Areas of interest include but are not limited to: anthropology, art, cultural studies; film and media studies; gender studies; literature; musicology; popular culture; political science; religion; US or North American history; visual culture.
- To submit a proposal for a presentation on teaching American studies, please provide us with a title for the presentation and a short abstract (150-200 words). Submission topics can be based on experiences of course design and teaching, or address questions of a more general nature. Presentation length will be ca 10 minutes.
- To submit a proposal for a presentation of an ongoing or planned research project (including PhD projects), please provide us with a title of the project, and a short abstract (150-200 words) that presents the project as well as what aspects the presentation will focus on. We encourage presenters to use a format conducive to discussion of challenges and interesting points of exploration, rather than traditional papers. Length of presentations will be ca 10 minutes.
- To submit a proposal for a topic for a roundtable discussion that you would be interested in leading and contributing to, please provide us with a tentative heading, and a short description of the topic (150-200 words) that explains its significance to American studies today and identifies central issues or problems. Proposals of topics can be individual or collaborative. Please also indicate if there is a text that would be useful for participants in the discussion to read before the roundtable. The length of the discussion will be 45-60 minutes.
Submissions should be sent to the conference convener Jenny Bonnevier ( Please include name, email address, and brief bio of the presenter(s).
Deadline for proposals: May 13, 2022.
Notification of acceptance will be sent by the end of June.